home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*********************************************************************
- ** **
- ** PalmTransfer -- Data dialog between Amiga and Palm **
- ** **
- *********************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Copyright © 1998 Richard Körber -- All Rights Reserved
- ** E-Mail: shred@eratosthenes.starfleet.de
- ** URL: http://shredzone.home.pages.de
- **
- ***************************************************************/
- /*
- ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ** any later version.
- **
- ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ** GNU General Public License for more details.
- **
- ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- **
- ** The author (Richard Körber) reserves the right to revoke the
- ** GNU General Public License whenever he feels that it is necessary,
- ** especially when he found out that the licence has been abused,
- ** ignored or violated, and without prior notice.
- **
- ** You must not use this source code to gain profit of any kind!
- **
- ***************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Compiles with SAS/C, e.g.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #include <clib/palmlink_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/palmlink_pragmas.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosasl.h>
- #include <libraries/palmlink.h>
- #define VERSIONSTR "1.0"
- #define DATESTR "10.9.98"
- #define COPYRIGHTSTR "1998"
- #define EMAILSTR "shred@eratosthenes.starfleet.de"
- #define URLSTR "http://shredzone.home.pages.de"
- #define NORMAL "\2330m"
- #define BOLD "\2331m"
- #define ITALIC "\2333m"
- #define UNDERLINE "\2334m"
- #define MKTAG(a,b,c,d) ((ULONG) (a)<<24 | (ULONG) (b)<<16 | (ULONG) (c)<<8 | (ULONG) (d))
- static char ver[] = "$VER: PalmTransfer " VERSIONSTR " (" DATESTR ") " EMAILSTR;
- static char titletxt[] = \
- BOLD "PalmTransfer " VERSIONSTR " (C) " COPYRIGHTSTR " Richard Körber -- all rights reserved" NORMAL "\n\n";
- static char helptxt[] = \
- " " ITALIC "E-Mail: " NORMAL EMAILSTR "\n"
- ITALIC "Usage:" NORMAL "\n"
- " BACKUP/S Backup the database (DIR)\n"
- " RESTORE/S Restore a backup (DIR)\n"
- " INSTALL/S Install a file (FILE)\n"
- " MERGE/S Merge a file (FILE)\n"
- " FETCH/S Fetch a database (NAME)\n"
- " DELETE/S Delete a database (NAME)\n"
- " LIST/S List all databases\n"
- " PURGE/S Purge deleted records\n"
- " DIR/K Backup directory (if required)\n"
- " FILE/K Filename (if required)\n"
- " NAME/K Database name (if required)\n"
- " DEVICE/K Serial device (\"serial.device\")\n"
- " UNIT/K/N Serial unit (0)\n"
- " MAXBAUD/K/N Maximum baud (28800)\n"
- "\n";
- struct Parameter
- {
- LONG backup;
- LONG restore;
- LONG install;
- LONG merge;
- LONG fetch;
- LONG delete;
- LONG list;
- LONG purge;
- STRPTR dir;
- STRPTR file;
- STRPTR name;
- STRPTR device;
- LONG *unit;
- LONG *maxbaud;
- }
- param;
- struct FileNode
- {
- struct Node Node; // Backup/Restore
- struct DateStamp Date; // Backup only
- struct DLP_DBInfo dbinfo; // Restore only
- char FileName[108]; // Backup/Restore
- };
- extern struct DOSBase *DOSBase;
- struct Library *PalmlinkBase;
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- APTR socket = NULL;
- BOOL ignoreError = FALSE;
- /*
- ** get last error code as string
- */
- STRPTR getError(APTR socket)
- {
- static unsigned char errortext[256];
- PL_Explain(PL_LastError(socket),errortext,255);
- return(errortext);
- }
- /*
- ** Open a connection to the Pilot
- */
- int Connect(void)
- {
- LONG error;
- if(socket) return(TRUE);
- socket = PL_OpenSocketTags
- (
- PLTAG_ErrorPtr , &error,
- PLTAG_SerialDevice , (param.device ? param.device : (unsigned char *)"serial.device"),
- PLTAG_SerialUnit , (param.unit ? *param.unit : 0),
- PLTAG_SerialMaxRate , (param.maxbaud ? *param.maxbaud : 28800),
- );
- if(socket)
- {
- Printf("Please press the HotSync button " ITALIC "now" NORMAL "\n");
- return(PL_Accept(socket,10L));
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned char errortext[256];
- PL_Explain(error,errortext,255);
- Printf("** Socket error: %s\n",errortext);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- ** Close all databases and disconnect
- */
- void Disconnect(void)
- {
- if(!socket) return;
- DLP_AddSyncLogEntry(socket,"Synchronized with PalmLink\n-- AMIGA made it possible --\n");
- DLP_EndOfSync(socket,0);
- PL_CloseSocket(socket);
- }
- /*
- ** Generate a AmigaDOS conformous file name from the
- ** DataBase name.
- */
- void genFileName(STRPTR name, struct DLP_DBInfo *dbinfo)
- {
- UWORD i;
- strcpy(name,dbinfo->name);
- for(i=0; i<strlen(name); i++)
- if(name[i]<' ' || name[i]=='/' || name[i]==':') name[i]='_'; // Protect DOS characters
- if(dbinfo->flags & DLPDBIF_RESOURCE)
- strcat(name,".prc");
- else
- strcat(name,".pdb");
- }
- /*
- ** Convert a DLP_SysTime to a DOS DateStamp
- */
- void Date2Stamp(struct DLP_SysTime *time, struct DateStamp *ds)
- {
- struct ClockData cld;
- ULONG sec;
- cld.year = time->year;
- cld.month = time->month;
- cld.mday = time->day;
- cld.hour = time->hour;
- cld.min = time->minute;
- cld.sec = time->second;
- sec = Date2Amiga(&cld);
- ds->ds_Tick = (sec%60) * TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- sec /= 60;
- ds->ds_Minute = sec%(24*60);
- sec /= 24*60;
- ds->ds_Days = sec;
- }
- /*
- ** Convert a DOS DateStamp to DLP_SysTime
- */
- void Stamp2Date(struct DateStamp *ds, struct DLP_SysTime *time)
- {
- struct ClockData cld;
- Amiga2Date(((ds->ds_Days*24*60)+ds->ds_Minute)*60+(ds->ds_Tick/TICKS_PER_SECOND),&cld);
- time->year = cld.year;
- time->month = cld.month;
- time->day = cld.mday;
- time->hour = cld.hour;
- time->minute = cld.min;
- time->second = cld.sec;
- }
- /*
- ** Set a DLP_SysTime to the current date and time
- */
- void setToday(struct DLP_SysTime *time)
- {
- struct DateStamp ds;
- DateStamp(&ds);
- Stamp2Date(&ds,time);
- }
- /*
- ** Set the Pilot into a synchronized state
- */
- void VoidSyncFlags(void)
- {
- struct DLP_UserInfo user;
- if(Connect())
- {
- if(DLP_GetUserInfo(socket,&user))
- {
- user.lastSyncPC = 0x00000000; // Hopefully unique...
- setToday(&user.successfulSync);
- setToday(&user.lastSync);
- DLP_SetUserInfo(socket,&user);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Backup a database
- */
- void cmd_backup(STRPTR dir)
- {
- APTR fh;
- BPTR lock;
- BPTR olddir;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- struct List files;
- struct FileNode *newnode;
- struct FileNode *currEntry, *nextEntry;
- struct DLP_DBInfo dbinfo;
- struct DLP_SysTime time;
- struct DateStamp stamp;
- UWORD i;
- char filename[100];
- NewList(&files);
- if(!dir)
- {
- PutStr("** DIR required\n");
- return;
- }
- /* Check if existing, and if it is really a directory */
- if(!(fib = AllocVec(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_PUBLIC))) return;
- lock = Lock(dir,ACCESS_READ);
- if(!lock) // Does not exist, so create it
- {
- lock = CreateDir(dir);
- if(!lock) // Couldn't create either
- {
- Printf("** Couldn't create directory %s\n",dir);
- FreeVec(fib);
- return;
- }
- }
- if(!Examine(lock,fib))
- {
- Printf("** Couldn't examine directory %s\n",dir);
- goto error;
- }
- if(fib->fib_DirEntryType < 0)
- {
- Printf("** %s is not a directory\n",dir);
- goto error;
- }
- olddir = CurrentDir(lock);
- /* Read all file names into the files list */
- while(ExNext(lock,fib))
- {
- if(fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0) continue; // Skip subdirectories
- newnode = AllocVec(sizeof(struct FileNode),MEMF_ANY);
- if(!newnode) goto error;
- CopyMem(fib->fib_FileName,newnode->FileName,108);
- CopyMem(&fib->fib_Date,&newnode->Date,sizeof(struct DateStamp));
- newnode->Node.ln_Name = newnode->FileName;
- AddTail(&files,(struct Node *)newnode);
- }
- /* Open conduit */
- if(!Connect()) goto error;
- /* Backup all database entries */
- for(i=0;;)
- {
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) goto error;
- if(!DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_RAM,i,&dbinfo)) // get the next entry
- {
- if(PL_LastError(socket)==PLERR_NOTFOUND) break; // last one
- goto error;
- }
- i = dbinfo.index+1;
- genFileName(filename,&dbinfo);
- newnode = (struct FileNode *)FindName(&files,filename); // search for the file
- if(newnode) // File does already exist
- {
- Stamp2Date(&newnode->Date,&time); // Check if the file has
- if( (time.year == dbinfo.modifyDate.year) // not been modified since
- &&(time.month == dbinfo.modifyDate.month) // last backup
- &&(time.day == dbinfo.modifyDate.day)
- &&(time.hour == dbinfo.modifyDate.hour)
- &&(time.minute == dbinfo.modifyDate.minute)
- &&(time.second == dbinfo.modifyDate.second))
- {
- Printf(" Skipped: %s (not changed)\n",newnode->FileName);
- Remove((struct Node *)newnode); // yes: skip it
- FreeVec(newnode);
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* Retrieve the file */
- dbinfo.flags &= ~DLPDBIF_OPEN; // Saved database is not open
- fh = PL_FileOpen(filename,&dbinfo);
- if(!fh)
- {
- Printf("** Unable to open file %s for writing\n",filename);
- goto error;
- }
- Printf(" Store: %s (from %s)... ",filename,dbinfo.name);
- Flush(Output());
- if(PL_FileRetrieve(fh,socket,0)) // Get the file
- PutStr("OK\n");
- else
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- PL_FileClose(fh);
- Date2Stamp(&dbinfo.modifyDate,&stamp); // Set file date to the
- SetFileDate(filename,&stamp); // last modification date
- if(newnode)
- {
- Remove((struct Node *)newnode); // Remove from list
- FreeVec(newnode);
- }
- }
- /* Delete all remaining files */
- for
- (
- currEntry=(struct FileNode *)files.lh_Head;
- nextEntry=(struct FileNode *)currEntry->Node.ln_Succ;
- currEntry=nextEntry
- )
- {
- Printf(" Delete: %s...\n",currEntry->FileName); // Is deleted on the Pilot too
- Flush(Output());
- if(DeleteFile(currEntry->FileName))
- PutStr("OK\n");
- else
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- Remove((struct Node *)currEntry);
- FreeVec(currEntry);
- }
- VoidSyncFlags(); // Sync done
- PutStr("Backup completed successfully\n");
- error:
- if(PL_LastError(socket)==PLERR_NOTFOUND) ignoreError = TRUE;
- CurrentDir(olddir);
- for // Clean up all memory
- (
- currEntry=(struct FileNode *)files.lh_Head;
- nextEntry=(struct FileNode *)currEntry->Node.ln_Succ;
- currEntry=nextEntry
- )
- {
- Remove((struct Node *)currEntry),
- FreeVec(currEntry);
- }
- FreeVec(fib); // Release FIB
- UnLock(lock); // Free directory lock
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** Restore a database
- */
- void cmd_restore(STRPTR dir)
- {
- APTR fh;
- BPTR lock;
- BPTR olddir;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- struct List files;
- struct FileNode *newnode;
- struct FileNode *currEntry, *nextEntry;
- NewList(&files);
- if(!dir)
- {
- PutStr("** DIR required\n");
- return;
- }
- /* Check if existing, and if it is really a directory */
- if(!(fib = AllocVec(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_PUBLIC))) return;
- lock = Lock(dir,ACCESS_READ);
- if(!lock) // Does not exist
- {
- Printf("** Couldn't find directory %s\n",dir);
- FreeVec(fib);
- return;
- }
- if(!Examine(lock,fib))
- {
- Printf("** Couldn't examine directory %s\n",dir);
- goto error;
- }
- if(fib->fib_DirEntryType < 0)
- {
- Printf("** %s is not a directory\n",dir);
- goto error;
- }
- olddir = CurrentDir(lock); // Set as current dir
- /* Read all file names into the files list */
- while(ExNext(lock,fib))
- {
- if(fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0) continue; // Skip subdirectories
- newnode = AllocVec(sizeof(struct FileNode),MEMF_ANY);
- if(!newnode) goto error;
- CopyMem(fib->fib_FileName,newnode->FileName,108);
- newnode->Node.ln_Name = newnode->FileName;
- CopyMem(&fib->fib_Date,&newnode->Date,sizeof(struct DateStamp));
- fh = PL_FileOpen(newnode->FileName,NULL);
- if(!fh)
- {
- Printf("** Unable to open file %s for reading\n",newnode->FileName);
- goto error;
- }
- CopyMem(PL_FileGetDBInfo(fh),&newnode->dbinfo,sizeof(struct DLP_DBInfo));
- PL_FileClose(fh);
- if(newnode->dbinfo.type == MKTAG('a','p','p','l'))
- AddTail(&files,(struct Node *)newnode); // send 'appl' as last
- else
- AddHead(&files,(struct Node *)newnode);
- }
- /* Open connection */
- if(!Connect()) goto error;
- /* Restore all database files */
- for
- (
- currEntry=(struct FileNode *)files.lh_Head;
- nextEntry=(struct FileNode *)currEntry->Node.ln_Succ;
- currEntry=nextEntry
- )
- {
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) goto error;
- fh = PL_FileOpen(currEntry->FileName,NULL);
- if(!fh)
- {
- Printf("** Unable to open file %s\n",currEntry->FileName);
- goto error;
- }
- Printf(" Restore: %s as %s...",currEntry->FileName,currEntry->dbinfo.name);
- Flush(Output());
- if(PL_FileInstall(fh,socket,0))
- PutStr("OK\n");
- else
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- PL_FileClose(fh);
- Remove((struct Node *)currEntry);
- FreeVec(currEntry);
- }
- PutStr("Restore completed successfully\n");
- VoidSyncFlags(); // Sync done
- error:
- if(PL_LastError(socket)==PLERR_NOTFOUND) ignoreError = TRUE;
- CurrentDir(olddir);
- for // Clean up all memory
- (
- currEntry=(struct FileNode *)files.lh_Head;
- nextEntry=(struct FileNode *)currEntry->Node.ln_Succ;
- currEntry=nextEntry
- )
- {
- Remove((struct Node *)currEntry),
- FreeVec(currEntry);
- }
- FreeVec(fib); // Release FIB
- UnLock(lock); // Free directory lock
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** Install a software
- */
- void cmd_install(STRPTR file)
- {
- APTR fh;
- if(!file)
- {
- PutStr("** FILE required\n");
- return;
- }
- if(!Connect()) return;
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) return;
- fh = PL_FileOpen(file,NULL);
- if(!fh)
- {
- Printf("** Unable to open file %s\n",file);
- return;
- }
- Printf("Installing %s...",file);
- Flush(Output());
- if(PL_FileInstall(fh,socket,0))
- PutStr("OK\n");
- else
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- PL_FileClose(fh);
- VoidSyncFlags();
- }
- /*
- ** Merge a software
- */
- void cmd_merge(STRPTR file)
- {
- APTR fh;
- if(!file)
- {
- PutStr("** FILE required\n");
- return;
- }
- if(!Connect()) return;
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) return;
- fh = PL_FileOpen(file,NULL);
- if(!fh)
- {
- Printf("** Unable to open file %s\n",file);
- return;
- }
- Printf("Merging %s...",file);
- Flush(Output());
- if(PL_FileMerge(fh,socket,0))
- PutStr("OK\n");
- else
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- PL_FileClose(fh);
- VoidSyncFlags();
- }
- /*
- ** Fetch a database
- */
- void cmd_fetch(STRPTR name)
- {
- struct DLP_DBInfo dbinfo;
- UWORD index;
- BOOL found;
- char filename[50];
- APTR fh;
- if(!name)
- {
- PutStr("** NAME required\n");
- return;
- }
- if(!Connect()) return;
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) return;
- for(found=TRUE, index=0;;)
- {
- if(DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_RAM,index,&dbinfo))
- {
- if(!strcmp(name,dbinfo.name)) break;
- index = dbinfo.index+1;
- }
- else
- {
- found=FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!found)
- for(found=TRUE, index=0;;)
- {
- if(DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_ROM,index,&dbinfo))
- {
- if(!strcmp(name,dbinfo.name)) break;
- index = dbinfo.index+1;
- }
- else
- {
- found=FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!found)
- {
- Printf("** Database %s not found\n",name);
- return;
- }
- genFileName(filename,&dbinfo);
- dbinfo.flags &= ~DLPDBIF_OPEN; // Saved database is not open
- fh = PL_FileOpen(filename,&dbinfo);
- if(!fh)
- {
- Printf("** Unable to open file %s\n",filename);
- return;
- }
- Printf("Fetching %s to file %s... ",name,filename);
- Flush(Output());
- if(PL_FileRetrieve(fh,socket,0))
- PutStr("OK\n");
- else
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- PL_FileClose(fh);
- }
- /*
- ** Delete a database
- */
- void cmd_delete(STRPTR name)
- {
- struct DLP_DBInfo dbinfo = {0};
- UWORD index;
- BOOL found;
- if(!name)
- {
- PutStr("** NAME required\n");
- return;
- }
- if(!Connect()) return;
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) return;
- for(found=TRUE, index=0;;)
- {
- if(DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_RAM,index,&dbinfo))
- {
- if(!strcmp(name,dbinfo.name)) break;
- index = dbinfo.index+1;
- }
- else
- {
- found=FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!found)
- {
- Printf("** Database %s not found\n",name);
- return;
- }
- Printf("Deleting %s... ",name);
- Flush(Output());
- if(!DLP_DeleteDB(socket,0,name))
- {
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- return;
- }
- PutStr("OK\n");
- if(dbinfo.type==MKTAG('b','o','o','t')) PutStr("Rebooting after HotSync.\n");
- }
- /*
- ** List all databases
- */
- void cmd_list(void)
- {
- struct DLP_DBInfo info;
- UWORD i;
- ULONG nr;
- if(!Connect()) return;
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) return;
- for(nr=1,i=0 ; ; nr++)
- {
- if(!DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_RAM,i,&info)) break;
- Printf("%3ld: '%s'\n",nr,info.name);
- i = info.index+1;
- }
- for(nr=1,i=0 ; ; nr++)
- {
- if(!DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_ROM,i,&info)) break;
- Printf("%3ld: '%s'\n",nr,info.name);
- i = info.index+1;
- }
- PutStr(BOLD "---------------------------" NORMAL "\n");
- if(PL_LastError(socket)==PLERR_NOTFOUND) ignoreError = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- ** Purge all deleted records
- */
- void cmd_purge(void)
- {
- struct DLP_DBInfo info;
- UWORD i;
- LONG dbh;
- if(!Connect()) return;
- if(!DLP_OpenConduit(socket)) return;
- PutStr(BOLD "Purging deleted records from..." NORMAL "\n");
- for(i=0;;)
- {
- if(!DLP_GetDBInfo(socket,0,DLPGDBF_RAM,i,&info)) break;
- i = info.index+1;
- if(info.flags & DLPDBIF_RESOURCE) continue; // don't purge resources
- Printf(" %s: ",info.name);
- Flush(Output());
- dbh = DLP_OpenDB(socket,0,DLPDBOF_READWRITE,info.name);
- if( dbh>=0
- && DLP_CleanUpDatabase(socket,dbh)
- && DLP_ResetSyncFlags(socket,dbh))
- {
- PutStr("OK\n");
- DLP_CloseDB(socket,dbh);
- }
- else
- {
- Printf("Failed (%s)\n",getError(socket));
- }
- }
- if(PL_LastError(socket)==PLERR_NOTFOUND) ignoreError = TRUE;
- VoidSyncFlags();
- }
- /*
- */
- int main(void)
- {
- struct RDArgs *args;
- PutStr(titletxt);
- if(args = (struct RDArgs *)ReadArgs(template,(LONG *)¶m,NULL))
- {
- if(UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library",36L))
- {
- if(PalmlinkBase = OpenLibrary("palmlink.library",1L))
- {
- if(param.backup) // BACKUP
- cmd_backup(param.dir);
- else if(param.restore) // RESTORE
- cmd_restore(param.dir);
- else if(param.install) // INSTALL
- cmd_install(param.file);
- else if(param.merge) // MERGE
- cmd_merge(param.file);
- else if(param.fetch) // FETCH
- cmd_fetch(param.name);
- else if(param.delete) // DELETE
- cmd_delete(param.name);
- else if(param.list) // LIST
- cmd_list();
- else if(param.purge) // PURGE
- cmd_purge();
- else
- PutStr(helptxt); // No command was given
- if(socket)
- {
- if(!ignoreError && (PL_LastError(socket)!=0))
- Printf("** Socket error: %s\n",getError(socket));
- Disconnect();
- }
- CloseLibrary(PalmlinkBase);
- }
- else PutStr("** Couldn't open palmlink.library V1+\n");
- CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- }
- else PutStr("** Couldn't open utility.library V36+\n");
- FreeArgs(args);
- }
- else PutStr(helptxt);
- return(0);
- }
- /********************************************************************/